ISO 22301 Business Continuity Consultants
It’s almost unfeasible to plan for every disruptive event that could occur, so we use Business Impact Analysis as a means to recognize the significant products/services your business needs to transport to clientele and their activities and processes which prop up the delivery of those products/services
ISO 22301 Certification has been developed by ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Consultants. This technical group develops standards for the defense of society from, and in retort to, events, emergencies, and adversities caused by intentional and unintentional human acts, natural hazards and technical failures.ISO 22301 Certification process is multi-disciplinary and engages staff from both the public and private sector Banks and Insurance companies.
ISO 22301 is based on the ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ model, as set up in other management system standards. The ISO 22301 Consultants will make sure reliability with all future and revised management system standards and make integrated employ easier with. In order to attain Certification for ISO 22301, establishments can take help from our ISO 22301 Certification Consultant who has rich experience in the field of implementation of this standard.
Our ISO 22301 Consultants can help you realize the certification for Business Continuity Management Systems providing an effective outline and achieving recognized ISO Certification. The standard can be applied apart from of the size or intricacy of the establishment, using the recognized Plan, Do, Check, Act model to drive continual improvement of the over-all BCM program.
ISO 22301 Business Continuity Consultants are connoisseur in developing the precise direction and documented plans and procedures that will govern organizational preparedness and response to a wide range of critical incidents or crisis events, ranging from cross-cutting themes such as stakeholder management and engagement, crisis communications and media management, and an establishment’s approach to handling mass casualty events, through to subject-specific plans ranging from ICT disaster recovery, active shooter and armed aggressor attacks, supply chain disruption, kidnap and ransom, and a host of specialized subject areas driven by the establishment’s context.
ISO 22301 Business Continuity Consultants also build business continuity plans for an establishment’s facilities and programs, tackling the requirement to build resilience and authorize business continuity champions at the local level, in a way that integrates articulately with the strategic-level BCMS and organizational policy and plans.
We take establishments from the risk assessment and breach analysis stage, through to designing management structures, documents, processes, the recognition, preparation and qualification of the BCMS consultants to creating both tutor-led and interactive, extremely engaging online helpful training and testing.